How to Respond When Someone Says "Your Art is Too Expensive"

How to Respond When Someone Says “Your Art is Too Expensive”

Receiving the comment “Your art is too expensive” can be disheartening for artists.

It’s important to handle this situation gracefully and professionally, without becoming defensive. In this article, we will explore five effective ways to respond when faced with the remark “Your art is too expensive” to maintain your confidence and navigate the conversation smoothly.


Try to Close the Deal…

Confidence and genuine communication are key in addressing potential buyers’ concerns.

Engage them in a conversation by asking if they would like to know more about the creation process. Share insights into the skills, vision, materials, and time invested in your art. Additionally, highlight any honours or accolades you have received to demonstrate the value of your work. Explaining your pricing formula can reassure buyers that your prices are fair and justified.

Example response: “Would you like to know more about the creation process? I put a lot of thought, skill and time into my art, and I’ve been honoured with several recognitions throughout my career. This contributes to the value you see in my artwork.”

Let Them Walk Away…

If a customer’s main focus is negotiating a lower price rather than understanding the true value of your art, it might be best to let the sale go.

Dropping your price for such customers may undermine the worth of your work and leave you feeling undervalued. Remember, not every potential buyer is your target customer.

Example response: “If you appreciate what I do, this is the price I charge. If it doesn’t meet your budget, that’s completely fine. It’s important for me to maintain the value and integrity of my work.”

Ask About Their Budget…

If a customer expresses concerns about the price, ask them about their budget and redirect them to smaller works or lower-priced prints.

Offering multiple price points allows buyers with different budgets to own your art while preserving the original pricing for higher-end pieces. Providing options can be a win-win situation for both you and the buyer.

Example response: “I understand your budget considerations. May I ask what price you’re more comfortable with? I have smaller works and prints available that might fit within your budget".”

Embrace the Teaching Opportunity…

Educating sceptical buyers about the art market can help them understand the value of your work.

Ask if they have bought original art before and explain the benefits of collecting art as an investment. Discuss the importance of consistent pricing in supporting both collectors and artists. By shedding light on the complexities of the art market, you can help alleviate their doubts and misconceptions.

Example response: “Have you purchased original art before? Let me share some insights about the art market and why consistent pricing is important for collectors and artists. It might change your perspective on the value of my work.”

Say “Thank You”…

Responding with gratitude can catch the person off guard and create a positive spin on the situation.

Express your gratitude for their feedback and share how humbled you are by the success of your art career. This response can lead to further conversations and potentially change their perception of the value of your artwork.

Example response: “Thank you for your comment. I never imaged I would achieve this level of success in my art career. It’s truly humbling. I appreciate your perspective, and I’m grateful for the opportunity to share my work.”

Receiving the comment “Your art is too expensive” is not easy for artists, but handling it professionally and confidently is crucial.

By using these strategies, you can navigate this conversation with grace and maintain the value of your artwork. Remember to respond sincerely, professionally, and with a smile, regardless of the chosen approach.