How to Approach Galleries and Art Curators to Exhibit Your Work

How to Approach Galleries and Art Curators to Exhibit Your Work

For artists, exhibiting their work in galleries is a crucial step towards gaining recognition and reaching a wider audience.

However, approaching galleries and art curators can feel intimidating and overwhelming. In this article, we will explore some practical tips and strategies to help you navigate the process of approaching galleries and art curators with confidence and increase your chances of securing an exhibition.


Research and Target….

Before reaching out to galleries and curators, take the time to research and identify those that align with your artistic style, medium, and overall aesthetic.

For example, if you create vibrant abstract paintings, look for galleries that have a history of exhibiting abstract art or curators who have shown interest in contemporary abstract artists.

This targeted approach increases the likelihood of your work resonating with the gallery or curator you approach.

Prepare a Professional Portfolio…

Create a well-curated portfolio that showcases your best and most representative artwork. Choose a cohesive selection that highlights your unique artistic voice and demonstrates your artistic growth.

For instance, if you primarily work in mixed media, include a variety of pieces that showcase your versatility and experimentation within that medium. Include high-quality images, along with relevant information such as titles, dimensions, and mediums.

Consider organising your portfolio digitally for each sharing and ensure your physical portfolio is well-presented and professional.

Craft an Artist Statement…

Develop a compelling artist statement that provides insights into your creative process, inspirations, and the concepts behind your work. The artist statement serves as a window into your artistic journey and can help galleries and curators understand your intentions and motivations.

Make sure it is concise, engaging, and reflects your artistic identity. For example, if you create artwork inspired by nature and sustainability, your artist statement could discuss your fascination with the environment and how it informs your creative choices.

Professional Communication…

When reaching out to galleries and curators, approach them with a professional and personalized email or letter.

Introduce yourself, express your admiration for their gallery or curatorial work, and explain why you believe your artwork would be a good fit for their exhibitions. Be concise, polite, and respectful of their time.

Tailor each communication to the specific gallery or curator, showing that you have done your research. For instance, if a curator recently curated an exhibition with a theme similar to your artistic approach, mention it to demonstrate your knowledge and interest in their work.

Attend Gallery Openings and Events…

Participating in gallery openings, art fairs, and local art events allows you to network with fellow artists, curators, and gallery owners. Building relationships within the art community can lead to valuable connections and opportunities.

Be genuine and engage in conversations, showing interest in other artists’ work as well. Networking can help you to establish connections that may open doors to future exhibitions. For example, strike up conversations with curators at art events, ask about their curatorial interests, and exchange contact information for future follow-ups.

Submit to Open Calls and Juried Exhibitions…

Many galleries and curators announce open calls and juried exhibitions seeking submissions from artists. Keep an eye on these opportunities and submit your work accordingly.

Follow the submission guidelines carefully and ensure your portfolio aligns with the specific theme or criteria outlined.

Participating in such events not only provides exposure but also increases your chances of catching the attention of curators and gallery owners. For example, if a gallery announces an open call for a group exhibition focused on figurative art, submit your best figurative pieces that showcase your unique style and approach.

Be Persistent and Patient…

Approaching galleries and curators requires persistence and resilience.

Rejections are a natural part of the process, and it’s important not to be discouraged by them. Keep refining your artistic practice, building your portfolio, and seeking out new opportunities.

Remember that success in the art world often comes through perseverance and continued effort. Stay open to feedback and constructive criticism, as it can help you grow as an artist. The key is to maintain your passion and belief in your work while continuing to seek new opportunities for exposure.

Approaching galleries and art curators may seem daunting, but with the right strategy and mindset, it becomes an exciting opportunity to showcase your artwork to a wider audience.

By conducting thorough research, preparing a professional portfolio, and adopting effective communication skills, you can increase your chances of securing an exhibition and establishing valuable connections within the art community. Stay dedicated, be true to your artistic vision, and embrace the journey of exhibiting your work. Remember, each interaction and submission brings you one step closer to your goals as an artist.